Sunday 1 January 2006

Poem or Prose?

This is a poem, by 9th standard student (14 yrs old). Is it of any good? When I asked, she herself don't know if its a poem or prose!!! What do u ppl think? She says she just wrote what came to her mind!  


When did I wake up?

Is it when the cold hands of truth

Hugged me on and again?

Is it when the mystic pain of loneliness penetrated into me,again?

Is it when I realized that I am still, still the same?

The unending wait for the heavenly happiness-

That put me into hope for nothing to gain

O waited , a lot for all the dreams to become true , in vain

Can anyone tell me, the value of honesty and faithfulness?

And they are the only wealth I possess.

But only to realize that they don't mean anything.

There was a break, when I thought I've found it,

But then it was later, that stark realization hit me.

I don't regret, for my emotions have gone frozen,

I don't know why people are so inconsistent.

Even after all these years, I ma ready to admit

That still, I don't know anything,

Anything at all......


  1. this one is great swathi.
    btwn whoz the kid ?

  2. theres a story behind it....i will tell u once i get some comments on this (dont know, if i get!!!)else will publish one more like this and tell about the kid!

  3. here ya more's a good poem..from a person (the kid) who's definitely more matured than her age...

  4. hay swathi, the poem is good, i guess the story behind this poem is u, may be u wrote it in ur 9th it...

  5. I cant make out whether its a poem or a prose.... but who cares abt the way of writing.... Its always the thought behind it which counts! The emotion in which this 14 yr old kid has written this stuff really shows, and thats where the life of this writing lies. Its good! Very good!

  6. the answer to all these and more, will be in my next blog!!!

  7. Its Poem...tell that kid she can still write a better one...encourage and never ask her (or the young writers) this stupid question again,,,,,,BTW u can ask any stupidity here. LOL

  8. I agree with Aswathy ,Also as frendl said never ask her such stupid question.
    Here also a "loneliness" is there like ur works.I wonder coz the last lines sounds more than that should come from girl of 14 yrs.Anyway its raw material,written from the heart.So innocent.She needs some polishing which she get in coming years.

  9. Swathi, I think this is a prose. It needs some rhyme and rythym to be considered poetry. But this is just my personal opinion. I think its a lovely writing no matter what you decide to call it.--Lina


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