I get so many messages every day. Some from âunknownâ readers about my blog. Some from âknownâ readers. Some âabusiveââ¦some âcan-we-stay-in-touchâ type and lots and lots of invitations. Usually I reply , if I think they âneedâ one. And ignore âabusiveâ mails w/o even going thru it twice.
But this is the first kind I gotâ¦the writer may be some one I know[some ppl I know wants to hide when they want to comment on my blogs] , who wanted to say his heart out and couldnât use his real name ,cos of reasons unknown!!!
Or he may be someone totally stranger to me.
But I am so happy that he is a well-wisher of my own HUSBAND [or may be to the entire male domain????] what else do I need, when some body speaks his heart out for my own darling HUSBAND. Shouldnât I be the proud wife, that I am not the only one who loves him so dearly? There are others in the universe who loves my husband much more than I can even ever think about.
See this⦠and read thisâ¦
venturist v has sent you a message
- venturist v
- M
Sent To: Swathi-is a cartoon,now
Stop patronizing your husband
Your husband sounds like a nice guy but it bothers me the way you patronize him. It sounds like you are implying that you are hot and he is not but you are with him because he is a nice guy. You don't have highlight what he is not. He is nice, good for you!! But you don't have to publicize that on net and especially what he lacks?
Dear friendsâ¦.open ur eyesâ¦.read it⦠u were reading my blogs for nearly more than 1 year now..and didnt u realize this?
I was patronizing my husband in my blogs⦠I didnât have anything else to do â¦. You should have realized this much more than MR.venturist did and told me thatâ¦[oh! So nice of himâ¦.my eyes are overflowing, seeing his concern for my hubby]
I didnt have to publicize on net what he lacks??? Oh my god! Didnât I realize that???
I am implying that I am HOT (finally it dawned on at least one guy!, thanks venturist! after all my attempts are not complete waste!!!)
Your husband sounds like a nice guy but it bothers me the way you patronize him --- oh! I am sooo touched⦠even if tomorrow if ever I fails to bother for him, I am soooo touched that there is at least MR. venturist who can replace me in a better way! Look! He is bothered about the way I TREAT my HUSBAND!!! dear venturist, u really do have a heart of gold!!!!!
Good god! Shouldnt I be convicted for husband-ill treatment?
But still I am happy that there is some one else in this world, who cares for MY HUSBAND even if I fails?
Thank God for so much compassionate people, in this BIG BAD world!
note: To all wives (would-be-wives)out there in 360. Donot get jealous of me, for such a gold-hearted well wisher for my husband. this is a hard-earned one.... all credit goes to me... and i am not going to lose/share this wellwisher of my hubby! he is such a gem!
latest: on a humble note, my hubby thinks i can swat flies better than replying mr.venturist! ooohhhh...btw, am i again patronizing my hubby????
Good that u blogged this... and let MR Venturist stop venturing in anyone's life, and page...
ReplyDeleteWhat I found in your blog was honest expressions regarding yourself, whatever bothered you... This one is someone who's jealous of women becoming forward with time... they feel happy at "Abla naari" image and can't take a strong women...
This was a good reply !!
Ahhhhhh! Can I kill this fellow with my bare hands Swathi?? Or maybe I will use a club to clobber him!!
ReplyDelete....But Arfie would say that such people are seriously ill and we should pity them. Something seriously wrong with their brains is what she says...they should be treated!! And we should pray for them to get well soon!! So maybe all of us at 360 should pray for him and send him 'get well cards' and hope he recovers soon!!!
I still prefer my first option...
Shail Aunty... Arfieangle has reformed... she is truly the devil these days... *hunting for my red brick sack*
ReplyDeleteJokes apart... I still think people like 'Mr. Whats-His-Name' on Jo's blog and this Venturist are seriously ill and they really do need Get Well Soon Messages.. and I am bloody well gonna send him one ...
ReplyDeleteJo, Sneh.. gals.. are you with me?
I know that Shail Aunty will also join us... *halo over the head*
Hehe, Mr.Venturist, please care for my husband also, I'll let you know when I get one.. and then I'll ill-treat him, feed him doggy biscuits and pour hot water on his head..and..and..hit him with my chapathi roller and then I'll blog about it and wait with ernest love for your mail about how much u care about him..I'll do all this just for you *sigh* my husband lover! :D
ReplyDeleteDear Mr. Venturist,
ReplyDeleteI regret to inform you that you are suffering from Lympho Inferiority Complexoma. Similiar to what Rajesh Khanna had in Anand. With utmost pain, I have to inform you that there is no cure for this disease *weeping*.
I hereby resign from my designation of a psychatrist owing to my failure to treat your psychological problem. *blowing nose onto tissue*
- Dr. Arfana Whosane.
ShailMausi..please do not hit him and kill him...then who will care for all the husbands in this world? Arfie..please I beg you.. I want him to call me hot too! DOnt spoil that..pleaseee
ReplyDeleteThat's true Jo!! ....but but but...can I have just one go with that club?? I will not kill him! No?? **sulk** Maybe if I threw half a brick?? No??!! You are not very accommodating Jo! ***retiring in a huff***
ReplyDelete*Thanks Shailmausi profusely!*...Dear Future husband, guess what I did? You're gonna be proud! I saved your "carer" Mr.Venturist from the Great Brick Thrower Shailmausi! She has a great reputation for throwing bricks and she's got a strong arm and an army even! Imagine your plight if you dint have someone caring about you!! My GOD! you'd be dead meat and I'll have no use for you anymore except cook you and feed u to the dogs! okok, I'm digressing in pleasure here..hehe..well your Mr.Venturist is spared and living..so be happy!
ReplyDeleteLove you lots!
Mr. Venturist... pls do not take Jo seriously... for all you know.. the General Commanding officer of the Red Brick Brigade is lurking out here somewhere...
ReplyDeleteJo---dont even think of taking my hubby's Mr.venturist.*glaring at Jo*.. he is entirely for my hubby! my hubby is so happy that at least one person knows the pain of a wife-sufferer like him!!!! u guys never tried to understand him and now trying to snatch the one and only well-wisher of him...this is not fair...how could you JO???
ReplyDeletei did all these things just for mr.venturist in my hubbys life .. see i even tried to imply that I AM HOT AND my hubby was just a you-know-what?
so, leave mr.venturist alone...he may have friends who think like him...u can take up one of his friends!!
***murmuring under breathe*** I am!! As if I'd tell you... ;-)
ReplyDeleteI will get my chance! ***evil grin***
Swats, Tough luck girl... I just posted a *flirt* on his page..He's all mine now! MUwahahahahahahahaha
ReplyDeleteAre there many more around?? ***hopeful again*** Then I'd get to clobber atleast one!!
ReplyDeleteArfi...oh no u dont, You and Shailmausi together will kill that man and leave a trail of broken hearts!
ReplyDeleteSee what I mean *pointing at Shailmauisi's comment above*
ReplyDeleteO gals, pls dont hurt him...finally, i have seen a "ray of hope" in my hubbys face, after reading mr.venurist....pls dont wipe that away *sobbing and then breaking into tears*
ReplyDeleteWho me?? ***innocent look*** I have reformed...I believe in 'ahimsa' now!!
ReplyDelete***hides behind the Highlighted Posts***
Swats, its up to us now to Save Mr.Ventura..Shailmausi is reformed or so she says..but lets put our defense walls up..just in case..a brick or two might come flying in any direction and Mr.Ventura wont have a head to think anymore....
ReplyDeleteDid anybody say Ahimsa??
ReplyDeleteGod Bless Gandhi's soul!!
Arfieangel..here I gift you a red brick sack! lets go ahead!
ReplyDeleteinviting members into "save-venturist-voice of underdogs" club!
ReplyDeletecontact: me or JO
***delighted at Janu owning a red brick sack*** Psst! Janu!! I am here behind the 'Highlighted Posts'!! Just crawl over. We'll get our chance! ;-)
ReplyDeleteyes, Don't kill him, LEt him be there for HUSBANDS... Mr. VEnturist must "Get well soon"...
ReplyDeleteMr, Venturist, why don't you have a look at my HUbby too...
ReplyDeleteswats...we have more competition! ;)
ReplyDeleteNo, not competition, just more ventures for MR. Venturist..
ReplyDelete:) he he he...Well nothing left to write....but i do enjoyed comment over here....
ReplyDelete**whispers**Anu, you can join me.... pssst! behind the Highlighted Posts! Janu is also here! We are hiding with a sack of red bricks!! ;-) Don't tell Jo and Swathi, though!
ReplyDelete*using radar search* *beep beep* *found red brick gang behind highlighted post* *proceeding with caution*
ReplyDeleteRED BRICK gang---though i am with JO i can give u ideas...bricks can break..y dont u guys try ROCKS? i mean original rocks... in malayalam "paara kkallu"....it seems a better option.
ReplyDeleteSwathi chechi, i just wonder how does this well wisher's face would look like once ur blog has been read!
ReplyDeletehehehehe...may be too happy to get more hubbys to take hahaha.lol! or may be too sad that everyone trying to divide the caring feeling for ur hubby....hahaha...i cant stop laughing....
Well done Swathi chechi, i liked this blog, the right way to express ur feeling.
"Ayyayyo!" *runs towards 'highlighted Posts'* ...and ""Ammoooooo..." *scoots like there is no tommorrow*
ReplyDeleteThe first male enters the comments page!! ;-)
ReplyDeleteSankaran!! Sankaran!! **runs after Sankaran to enlist him in the Red Brick Brigade**
ReplyDeletei was actually waiting for the first male to visit here...he he he
ReplyDeleteSankaran the first male...please run! hehehe
ReplyDeleteI likes the sacrcasm in the tone....lol.
ReplyDeleteAm also with you, Shail, Arfie and the gang..! Some guys been bothering me too with such messages - of very similar nature - So let's wait and round them up..! My "eyes" will keep a watch-out for such elements..! ***pst...pst... am lying in wait with the grinding stone***
Oh good. Sankaran was here before me. I was here but am beating a hasty retreat.
ReplyDeleteBrenny running for cover too?? Brenny!! Brenny!! **runs after Brenny to recruit him** After all this running I can afford to have a nice double sundae!
ReplyDeleteDevi! Welcome Welcome! I like that grinding stone!! A much needed addition to our arsenal! ;-)
Hail the RBB!!!!!!! *throws the first sack of Red Brick*
ReplyDeleteShail Auntyyyyyyyyy.... lets get him!!!!!!
Pssst Swathi if we use rocks aka paarakkallu we won't be the Red Brick Brigade any longer. We will lose our very identity!! And anyway it's fun to throw bricks and watch the 'em break **gleeful laughter**
ReplyDeletehahha swathy at least ur hubby can replace u with another one finally. vat a benefit from yahoo 360.Almost all the wives should be aware about such venturists amoung us. ok swathy kurakkunna patty kadikkilla. athu kurachu kondirikkum. pavam kurakkatte.ellarudeyum pagil kurakkatte.leave it alone.hahhha
ReplyDeleteYeah Arfie lets!! ..and we'll move when Jo, Swathi and Pink are fighting over you know who! ;-) Some of you get behind 'My Blogroll' and lie in wait for the opportune moment! I will remain here behind Highlighted Posts with Janu.
ReplyDeleteSwats the plan had been revealed..my trusted friend Arfie is a spy in RRB! come here *whispering*
ReplyDeletedear RBB (including spy, burffee)---- pls let us (pinx, Jo and me) share this gem for our hubbies....
ReplyDeleteu gals dont care for ur husbands doesnt mean that we also should b selfish like u????
its the fundamental right of our hubbies, to have such a gem of a wellwisher!!!
and we are all bound to give our hubbies, the love, care and concern of such well wishers!!!!
I'm so late here.... thanks to Shail for sending me here!! Swathi, I dont know whether to laugh or get annoyed... This is just so irritating... What does your husband say about it.. okay more later, I am gonig to hidebehind Shail's blog roll now and I too got lot of RBs....
ReplyDeleteSAB---my hubbys opinion is there, down the blog...under "latest"
ReplyDeleteThis is a case for the Private detective Mr.Sherlock Holmes and his indefatigable companion Dr. Watson.
ReplyDeleteSherlock Holmes swings in to action..."Elementray mydear watson!!! This is a clear case...we dont have any doubts...yet this appears quite singular with a sinister design...behind the words lurkes the coldest of crimes..its only providence that we have come to know of it. These trains in London no more runs in time these days...hence I am late. And I couldnt go through all the speculation my friends have attempted to make before me..but I am very sorry to let you that you have so badly destroyed the foot prints of the culprit and have tampered with the little evidence we have had the fortune to be left with. How ever my rule goes on in this singular instance too that" When you have eliminated all the impossiblities, what ever remains, however improbable, must be the truth".
Therefore Mr. Venturist is not Mr. Its Ms.
Yes It could be a lady in all probablities.
Will come back again after some more investigations.
~Sherlock Holmes~
Vinod----if its a lady, then my hubby will be the happiest of all....A LADY , caring for MY hubby... WOW!!! wait, lemme go and tell him, this good news!!!
ReplyDeleteI liked the way you have taken it and liked the way of your presentation.
ReplyDeleteYes Swathi in all probablity and going by the laws of deduction its a Lady who likes ur hubby (I think more than you do..lol).
ReplyDeleteSo she is worried about the way you 'Patronize' him and make him sound less important.
OMG!! a girl admirer??? this is getting hot! *wink*
ReplyDeleteWhat? this man/woman(whatever) is insane! I mean... after reading this, I felt like laughing... Gal, I liked the way you blogged it and answered back to it! Good one! ROFL!
ReplyDeleteI really want to see Sajeeve-annan's reaction to this. He will be laughing his heart out! LOL... I cant stop laughing at that message myself! LOL
Boy, am I late here. Thx Shail for directing me here... After reading your blog, Swathi< i'm speechless. I thought all 360-ians are great souls. Lets say I'mlearning the hard way. I have a ton of red bricks here and will join the party. Thx, Mr. Venturist for getting us all steamed and peeved! Good reasons for a party, I say.
ReplyDeleteOn another note <<<>>> to Swathi!
I read it again and this time I found it pathetic... who is this person to meddle between a couple and give his/ her unwanted opinion? Swathi move on.... BBut not without a heartfelt laughter on this one!
ReplyDeleteHello there all my friends!! I have got my first reaction to this blog from one esteemed Mr.Blank Page Ajay D. ;-) He wants to be my friend!!
ReplyDeleteAnyone else get any reactions??
Why these people want to hide behind blank pages?***baffled***
I love Blank pages! They are soooo beautiful!! Made soo effortlessly!Thats Y i have a special place for them in my heart and not on my friend's list! hehehe
ReplyDeleteOh yes, Shail, I too get an umpteen number of "blankies". I watch for a week before deleting the invite..! Wonder why folks can't post something about themselves..! Truly baffling..!
Lol Swathi... got to hear new type mails... but most of all, d way u presentd was kewl... I was wonderin if a someone wud take so much interest in same kind! lol!
ReplyDeleteIf once in a while u have differences with your husband..it doesnt mean tht u r not a deserving wife...what does he mean by u r hot??...1st thing 1st...an intruder cannot judge a relation between a husband n wife....presenting my 1st red minirose...Get well soon Mr.venturist
ReplyDeleteHa Ha....That the way ...
ReplyDeleteSwats, I'm like laughing out loud here!! and on the floor... I can't believe this idiot would seriously even bother to voice his opinion and love. On the other hand as hilarious as this whole thing is you gotta give the jerk guts.. lol atleast he had it.. I don't know what to say, the whole thing is just too freaggin funny! As for us fans of your blogs, well what can I say except that keep the "hubby bashing" up! Heheh.. ROTFL
ReplyDeletep.s. - Can't u trace the dork through his I.P. address or something?