The place where I was born was a Christian dominated area(especially Latin Catholics). There were only 2-3 Hindu families and 2-3 Muslim families. While the Hindu families were related to each other , the Muslim families were also the same. My mom's and her sister's classmates used to be from Christian and Muslim families. Amma's best friends were Margaret aunty and Thahira aunty who lived just opposite our home. I didn't realize the advantage of being in such a mixed society, till I stopped living there and started living in a more confined one.
There were a lot of churches and chapels in that area. (like in Ireland, there are 6 churches within 5 kms of our home) . The only temple we had was our family temple, which was inside our compound,on the south corner. So mom used to take us to the churches near by. Mostly she took us to St.Joseph's and St.Andrew's. But the most famous one was 'Madre De Deus' Church, Vettukad . On Fridays there were special masses, in that church(even today its one of the most popular pilgrim centers in Kerala). As we were not used to drawing Holy cross, we used to pray in the Hindu way, by joining our two palms together, inside the church.
In fact I didn't know which religion I belong to, till I was in third standard. My parents didn't told me the necessity of it too.
In our convent school, we had catechism(Bible) class, and one day teacher asked us who all go to church. I stood up, cos I knew what church meant. And I was taken to catechism class. But catechism teacher told me that I was not supposed to be there, cos I was a Hindu.
I told her, that I go to church,so I can. But she didn't allow me, to sit there. That evening I told this to amma and asked her, in what religion I was. In fact my exact question was "what was religion?". Now what she answered didn't make any sense to me at all. I was still puzzled, cos of my teacher's odd behavior.
That day I asked every member of my family, their religion. Surprisingly, everybody was from the same,one.
I asked amma, why its so. Again,I didn't understand, what she told. 
On Christmas, we used to put Christmas star in our house and used to make Christmas tree. And our near by Christian families would give us lots of cakes and bottles of wine so that our fridge used to be completely stacked for weeks.
Almost all family gave us these items so much that, we used to pack off some to my dad's home which was some 40 miles away. And on Ramzan, we would get biriyani, from Thahira aunty. We used to wait for this cos, mom didn't make biriyani, at our home.
Later when I grew up, after 5th standard, I knew what religion meant. But still I couldn't stop myself from going to church, until one day, when I was 19, my hostel-warden snapped at me "why do u go to church, being a Hindu?". I didn't know why it offended her so much(she was a Hindu). So I stopped my ritual.
Later in convent hostels, I started my ritual again. I had immense peace when I went and sat on the big hall, in the polished wooden benches, which echoed even the slightest sound. I only went there , when church was completely empty and when there was pin-drop silence. It gave me a peaceful feeling of being alone with God. But, now my home is in a Hindu dominated area. Last Christmas, I asked dad for a Christmas star and what he told me is "swathi, this is not ur mom's place. Here if u put star, tomorrow ppl will ask u, why u put it!".
My cousin, who is still in my mom's home, sent me cakes and wine bottles. She said she had put the star, even on 20th of December.
I wished if I too could, do I loved it...
What relieves me is that I can go to churches again,in Ireland. But I am scared of one question . What if someone ask my religion,again??
yup...this question will never vanish...but we shud be proud will still progressing to demolish religional differences...but takes a lot time, effort and mainly co-operation
ReplyDeleteThere you go with another blockbuster blog. if any one asks your religion say you are a HiChMu.
ReplyDeleteDeedi, u know i am christian rite?? I must admit that i am not going to often to churches (only few times a year), but whenever i feel unconfident or lost i just think that God is with me, that he is always watching after me, my personal belief is that there is no difference if u go to church, temple or mosque...there is only one God who can help u, and u can pray for.
ReplyDeleteThere is no need to define wht is the name of ur religionas long as u have God inside ur mind and heart.
With Love,
Tanoo ;)
This is very interesting. Whenever I'm asked my religion I always tell people I was baptized Catholic, but I have univeral beliefs (I was baptized as a baby, so it wasn't by choice). Only 3 of my children have been baptized, but we all think differently when it comes to religion/God/what-have-you. Like Tanu said, it's what's in your heart that matters. Organized religion is nothing more but a label. Take care.
ReplyDeletegud post.....i dunno wot to comment on this post....unable to put it in words...
ReplyDeleteGood blog I had few friends in different religions I met muslims christians hindu...and here in the philippines there are many kinds of religion too...But I bealive religion is not the factor I mean what is religion if you dont belive in GOD????..Religion can't save it is how you served the LORD no matter what sector of religion you are belong with...
I was grew up in a christian church and we have a rigth to choose our religion where you makes happy and satisfied...As long as you belive in GOD our LORD religion doesn't matter....RELIGION can't saved your salvation it is how do you belive that there is GOD in your life.....who saved us our sins and giving us an eternal life......
ReplyDeleteand respected them's their rigth to choose of what they think is rigth....shared what you've learned about GOD and don't argue w/
verry intersting subaject Swathi,
there is any Human Religion?
I have lot`s of experiences with ISLAMS ,CHIRSTIANS,HINDUS and BUDDHAS.
But I feel the human always have there on religion even there are beyond of the same religion they think or bilive diffrent way. selfism + any ism .
acutely Hinduisam not a religion like chirstianism or islam.I wish I want be in the human religion???????????????????????????
Hay swathi don’t worry if someone asks you about your Religion next time say them to do good is your religion. Believe me swathi there is only one religion, though there are a hundred versions of it. There is no higher religion than human service and to work for the common good is the greatest creed. My definition for Religion is there is no need for temples, church, mask, no need for complicated philosophy, our own brain, our own heart is our temple and human service is our Religion.
ReplyDeleteIf its vetticaud church u mean,its still attended devotees other than christains.My father also taught me to attend other pilgrimage areas without thinking of the religion.Also he told me god or gods are same every where and they are present every where.
ReplyDeleteOne religion,one world ,one god for Human......said by a famous reformer.
KRISHNA---what u said is rite. the question wont vanish. ppl appear to say all good things, but when they come to their own religion, i have seen them turn into selfish-felsh eating "animals".
ReplyDeleteKISHOR---yea, HiChMu, is very good...
TANOO---what u have said is rite...i didnt mean i go only to church to pray. but as i was used to, i find church little more peaceful cos, temples are always very busy and buzzzing with people. but dear, even if we think abt believing in one God, in India, its really diffclt to live practiaclly with that belief...
LISA---thanks to know that universal belief exist in other countries too. u know grown-ups can always say what they want to , but small children when they r discriminated on religion the confusion they feel makes us unanswerable..
JYOTHI---its a treu incident yaar. it happend to me as a kid. it is still happening to other kids!!
SWEET_KRISTINE---u said rite. respecing others religion is the best thing.not making forceful conversion of thots or beliefs on my life, there are so many exprnces, when ppl in other religion told me "u r satan's girl", when i was a kid, which made me think what i did, to earn that name!!!
AJAYI---human religion is only in "thots". in india, a man w/o a religion, is like a man w/o his identity. indian society always make such a man, an outcaste...(see...even the word out-caste)!
ARAVIND--aravind u r rite. theres a saying "manava seva, madhava seva", which means serving God is done by actaully serving human. but think.. in India, ppl r hypocrites, they say one thing, in preach and they DO exactly opposite, when it come to their own religion.
CHANAKYA--yea, vettukad church is one among others. but i was prevented NOT there. abt the reformer u said, do u know his idea has given birth to another caste(?). which makes me think, when he meant one religion, the ppl made another religion in his name(!!!). his soul must have repented.
swathi, I am also frm a convent- fransciscon missionary of mary. I also love praying in church. Peaceful...ya, right, I also believe a lot in Lord Krishna and my family is orthodox Indian family and u know wat? even my grany & mom were frm convents and they also have prayed in churches:) I used to go only to Rosary Church in Chennai and I used to go when I was in school. There's nothing wrong yaa..If anyone asks u, say, there's only one religion-the human religion.& I totally approve of what tanu says..:)
ReplyDeleteJANOO---tell me dear..everybdy says about human religion. can u show me a single person, who lives exactly in that way??? in all aspects??? even if there is such a person,others will seclude him,and make his life a hell, for sure!!!
ReplyDeleteSweetoo, i understand wht u meant, wht i was trying to say is that even if u r going to church u r going to pray, it makes u feel in peace with urself, anything else/wht others say doesn't matter (but i can understand that in different countries there are different mentalities).
ReplyDeleteAm praying to one god, yes i've heard that hindu religion has more than one god but i couldn't say anythin gaccording to this bcoz i don't know too much, i'm still in my learning proces ;)
With Love,
Tanoo ;)
Well Swathi...dose'nt matter to which God Particular we worship.....God is always one....just came in humanbeing life with different name of Bhagwan, God,Allaha,Jesus,etc......Imp thing is in our life is to be a good humanbeing.
ReplyDeleteNice Blog !
yes swathi,its true,india has somany religions and somany castes,so it become a common question here.i think this will not stop till all indians think god is one even if they pray for different gods.
ReplyDeleteHey! Even i didnt know what religion I was from till my 5th/... That was when one of the teachers asked me... I stared at him open mouthed... He asked christian...hindu..., i had no clue.... Only after asking my full name I came to know i was hindu! Go figure!
ReplyDeleteNice reading this entry Swathi... U should write all of this in a book! I wud surely buy it :-)
The answer is here grandad.His religion became the human religion. it happened after a lot of experience and our whole family accepts it.Forget it, or do this...tell them u belong to christianity and harm in it.if they pursue,just ask them to mind their business( i kow cant happen..but tht's the way i am)
ReplyDeleteAnu, I think, said it best: "Imp thing is in our life is to be a good humanbeing." I totally agree with are a good human being, matter what teachings you hear or choose to believe, you are an angel here on Earth! :)
ReplyDeletehey swathi i too share with u same kinda thoughts as i did my schoolings in christian institutions i never felt tht religion is some kinda alien thing.even recently i went to church i dont feel it as strange thing.afterall man invented religion so cant expect uniform satisfaction.lets carry on to do the way we like :)
ReplyDeleteTANOO---yes, Hindus (not me, anyway) does believe in multi-god worshipping. but when we go for meditation(i do it for past 4 yrs) u will find that all these multi-god things in hinduism are all based on misundersatnding. and u will leran to see God as a ray of light coming from inside u.
ReplyDeleteANU--u r very correct. to be agood human being is always Godly! and thanks alot!
PRAVEEN--India particularyly, being varied in culture, has difficlty.i know..but i just wanted to eel my heart out! thanks...
ROSHAN--so, u too share my enlightenment??? btw, thanks alot for buying my book(???). at least, i have 3 confirmed readers(other being kishore & ajayi) LOL!
DEEPZZ--i can do tha dear. but their questions(as though, i did something, very weird!) disturbs me...may be i have to grow out, na?? will try..thanks for telling abt ur grand dad.
SHANDA--firs of all thanks alot for ur testimonial! it matters to me alot !!! and it really makes my soul blessed that i try to be a good humn being! thanks a bunch!
PRADEEP--u know when someone questions u "why?" is hurts. but now, i think, i would rather avoid those, who asks me that..thanks!
Swathi, as long as you feel like going to church nothing should matter to you. It's another form of a GOD,a power,enlightment you believe. So go on and submit yourself only to GOD whichever form let him be. OHM! Jesus! Insah Allah!
ReplyDeleteswathi...there are ppl like that, well even the so called Mahatma was practicing so many religions.. so, jus dont bother bout the outside world, do wat u feel like da!
ReplyDeleteCaste was already there,he too was born as it,But poor man 's teachings was misinterpreted and used to do what he preached against...Now ppl are provocated in his name to hate other communities & Religions.Vested Interests head the community...for their own designs.The Ashrams he built was for all.No one has right to bar anybody in the name of religion ,race or caste from entering this ashrams.But now one particular community had made it as its own. So the significance of his teachings were drowned in it.Sorry...
ReplyDelete>> What if someone ask my religion,again??
ReplyDeleteDon't bother about that you! Reminds me of what my mom told my kid cousin when he was confused about religion - she explained to him like this: "See, you can take your dad as an example. For you, he is dad..for your mom, he is a husband. To me he is a brother, to grandpa he is a he has all these names but still he is just one person! That's what religion is too - you just give different names to the same God." And I believe in this strongly.
I do hope I made sense! :-)
I understand what you're saying. We moved from New York to North Carolina (just recently moved to Pennsylvania) and down there everybody was so closed-minded it was ridiculous. I remember once, in a doctor's office, me and my children and her friend who was with us, got into this conversation about religioun (like I said, we don't all have the same views, but we share our beliefs openly) and this is no lie, or exaggeration, but every single person in the waiting room (it was packed that day) stopped whatever they were doing/saying to each other and turned all their attention on to us... It was weird to say the least. Ugh... there are even worse stories I can tell about living down there. :s
ReplyDeleteMADDY---ur rite!
CHANAKYA---i know whom ur talking abt. even i have the same opinion. now, i think his soul is repening over what ppl have done over his preaches ...let his soul forgive those ppl..
PRIYA--yes, ur mom's answer makes sense..its easier for a kid to understand that way! thanks!
LISA--u understood the community,...thats the best thing!!! i can understand perfectly that ur exp is NOT an exaggeration. if it had happened in India, believe me, another communal riot would have taken place, inside that office!
I am blessed with the friends and community consists of all communities...That is the one of the best part I love The Gods Own country... The Picture reminds me the bad days of early 90's in Mumbai(riot).... Hope Gandhiji’s dream will come trus. The world of Truth, Non-violence and Love. and we begin to start that world here in 360