Wednesday, 28 December 2005

Who should die first?

"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you."' I have heard this quote every where and I have heard  couples or lovers quarrelling over, whom should die first. Every body says "I want to die first, cos I cant live without you". Me and my husband quarrels over this too...but its kinda different for us. He says " I would die before u. Cos I cant live without u" and in answer I say "Yes,dear if that happens, I would wish ur wish to come true cos, I know very well that if I die earlier, ur life will be so tortured and lonely that my soul will never have peace. But if u die before me, I will be at least happy that u were happy with me, till ur death". And he will stop the conversation there with tear-stung eyes!!!


  1. Wonderfuil no words to say for ur thinking...i too fight in the same way with arvind like remaining fools :-S

  2. Really touching. And really selfless.

  3. i know only ppl who have loved so genuinely can understand this feeling..and i know personally, that madhu and durga had married the love of their life!! thanks gals, for understanding!!

  4. nice touchy blog swathi.happy to see u guys.

  5. very Touching! Isn't it. Love can be every thing.People will do anything for love.Well,It is usual for lovers or newly married to say all these things in the begining.The mind changes as years pass.Each expecting other to go first.So the genuiness is there when these things are said at the later stages of life.

  6. chanakya, i will let u know if my mind or his i have said, only ppl who have experienced genuine love, will understand...for others its just words written in paper!if we write "sugar" on a paper and say "sugar" can we feel its sweetness? we have to taste sugar...likewise we have to be in love, to know love...i hope u may feel it!

  7. gosh,Swathi
    I was not talking about u.Its my mistake.I missed one line ie the line saying "Me and my husband quarrels...."I was speaking generally. Any way ur comment ......damn good & sharp.Hit me flat.I owe u one for that.Waiting for my chance.Kidding

  8. hahahahaha... i had the best laugh after so many days.. i'm telling the truth.. i really liked that blog

  9. tenny, that was not meant to be funny!!! but no offence, difft ppl see things differently!!

  10. Oh Swathi nice blog, u know i remember that even in my family(between my parents) there is always quarells ab who will "go" 1st, My mom always says she wants to go 1st bcoz she can't imagine her life without my dad, she really loves him very much, and made many sacrifices for him and for us (me &my bro).
    I loved this post,
    With Love,

  11. i'm not married yet.. neither in love ! so i'm kinda lost.. lol..
    nehow. its a good thot. appreciate it.. i wonder what i'll tell ma wifey!!! :)


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