It has been a long while, since I wrote something. After I have started to manage house and work, I dont seem to get time at all, not even to take a regular bath.

Anyway that wasnt what I was saying.2 days back I joined orkut. Till then I never knew that such a thing existed (now dont tell me that I am dumb, besides stinking). There I send an invite to a lady whose profile answers were weird. Yea, I love weird things.

Then I had a flashback of my school days. The used to be calm girl, now turned into one with animal Instincts. My college mates will be saying something else. My school mates, something else. And me ? .I am somewhere In b/w. Not calm and composed and not with so much animal spirits. Amnt I? not sure...

But I wanted to write something and for that I have to arrange the flow of thots and put down into a blog. But with my busy schedule now, I really couldnt. Mainly cos me being a clean-o-freak, it consumes much time. But then I think about Shail, who is a complete housewife with 3 males in the household (i cant even manage one male, I wonder how she manages 3 males and still keep the house clean!!). And I think If she can manage everything and still write beautiful blogs, why cant I. And I feel I am no good. Just using the easy way of posting pictures.. Naaah.. I want to write... Put my thots in order and have time for myself. At least once in 3 days, I must try for that...So let me try..
hmm waiting for u to multiblog...psst.. a term like multitask between photos u click and ur thoughts in words. :P
ReplyDeleteYou sound a lot like me... Only I was more outgoing during my school days... Now I pretty much like to keep quiet and to myself... except for when I'm writing. :P
ReplyDeleteHi Swati,
ReplyDeleteHope you will take your bath today, and look more glam than your school collage days. Anyway I too heard about orkut and registered myself also. These online meeting points including Y360, reminds me of "Woodlands Drive-in" in Chennai.
Have just one coffee for the whole day, enjoy the tree shadows, and wait ...wait ...wait. Wait for whom? Don't ask just wait, you will find your school or collage mate, atleast you will see one of your childhood friends.
Nice Background... it was nice knoin abt ur school dayz... they r best perhaps... Keep bloggin! Cheers :)
ReplyDeletehappy orkuting buddy.. me too discovered orkut and hundreds of my old friends just 3 days b4.. less than 2 hrs i was connected to more than 50 friends and another 50 in pending.. :))
ReplyDeletekeep discovering...
Keep up the promise- "I want to write... Put my thots in order and have time for myself. At least once in 3 days, I must try for that...So let me try.."
ReplyDeletefull masala blog! :)
ReplyDeleteYou are funny!...I have yet to discover "orkut"...will give it a try..
LoLssssss, Swathi... even I've 3 musketeers plus hubby, a job... and I still blog...! You can do it, if you really wanna to...! So just go ahead.. write about anything... everything you wanna share with us, your friends...!
ReplyDeleteHey, you look so natural, sans the glitz...! That's real good...!
lol.... im the total
ReplyDeletedamn cool yaar:)
see ya:)
anki---multiblog...yea will try that hubby will
ReplyDeletekill me as my borrowing time of his laptop for bloggin
is going to increase as multiblog is going to take some
R Selva---no i wont..come on will u, if the temp is 13
deg celius in the max and in the freezing chilly wind?
sounds really good... i love to meet my kindergarten
frnds that way :-))
Honey---thanks dear!
sudhir---yea, true..i am discovering..always!
Maddy---i will try to stick to the promise,buddy!
Shashank--masala??? :-))
trupti---try and try and u will succeed.. :-))
Devi---HATS OFF....i really mean it.. i didnt know that abt u...praise Devi!!!
and yea, thats my natural glam..u know after scrubbing off.. emmm..
Ithee--thanks yaar, for dropping by...
Some one said something about orkut !...oh !...i do have an account too !....well ...who said u cant write blogs !....alarannu paranja mathi !....namma karyam ettu !....
ReplyDeleteI mean it ....ur blogs are really beautiful ...with those pics and all !.....
Keep blogging !..
Azhakiya Ravanan ( for manu )
Hee hee.. You are witty!! That was a good post... looking forward for more....
ReplyDeleteAre you a virgo by any chance??
ReplyDeleteFor the matter of fact she is ....3 days after us Sab !...i guess i am rite !
ReplyDeleteSo good blogs are in queue now Swathi?
ReplyDeleteravana---yea, i accepted some "vampires" invitation cos he seems to know me :-)) and thanks for the moral support...
ReplyDeleteSab-- he he he..thanks... cant live w/o laughin at myself...
and yea i am a virgo (sep 16).
manu, sab u r all virgos???come , we will make a club of imperfectionists trying to be organised and perfect!!
Sekar-- u can also say worse blogs.. LOL
Join the club !...we are virgo's born on same day !...lolz !..rite Sab ?
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha .... deglam look after an art film! cool.... so, you mean the art film was actually the hr long bath, huh? LOL!
ReplyDeleteWell, you look fresh out of a bath, but eyes look sleepy! LOL!
I like the way you post interesting pictures which keeps ppl guessing! It was a nice one!
Oh! Iam blushing with all the praise coming my way. Sorry I am late ....but am I glad I decided to o back and read all that I had missed! Or else I would have missed what you had written about me ;-) Heheheheh..Anyway thanks.
ReplyDeleteI still rememeber the blog of yours I happened to read first! It was about eve teasing.