Friday 14 July 2006

My (first)Pitch and Putt Experience !


P and P

Pitch and putt [mini golf course]



oh! i am about to start... [taking a deep breath]


2nd tee

1st tee [is this the right way to hold the club???]



after 8 shots [oh! finally the ball is in the hole!!!!]


2nd tee 1

2nd tee [1 down, 17 more to go!!!]


3rd tee

3rd tee [ things are looking much promising now!! ]

note: u can see the ball behind me,  near my shadow... now ,dont say that the ball always has to be on ur front side...



wow! what a shot!! [ oh! my god! how did i do that????????? ]


i cant

by the way, did any one see the ball????

pic courtesy: my husband


  1. You look so cool with that putter!! But it does seem like a regular golf course... how come it's a mini?
    Wishing you birdies and eagles and hole-in-ones... :)

  2. U look kewl dear...

    (btw ur hair style was constantly remindin me of my yahoo 360 pic :p...)
    tc cheers :)

  3. Nice pics. They have a mini-golf course around here, Nelson's the only one that has been to it though... Oh, and you know what I just found out? They also have a golf COLLEGE over here... OMG, that made me crack up, seriously.

  4. Swathi,

    Oh! Again Pic in flickrs. Never mind keep practicing..... 2007 Calender of Golf tournements in Dubai I will send it across........You can make an entry from here.

    And,why don't you start a protest to change the name of the Game from GOLF ( Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden???!!??!??!)Michelle Wie is on your side!!!!

  5. LOL... "anyone see the ball"!!

    Bravo to you for your effort....

  6. i thought it was golf ...the game played by some guy called tiger woods or something !...this looks like some one ploughin the whole field out ! !...

    AAArre thallan nikkuva ?

  7. sathyam paranja njetti poyi !....

  8. Ginglee's World....15 July 2006 at 03:46

    NICE PIC..............AZAD

  9. You look pretty cool... why not put up a spot-the-ball contest..? Am sure one of our friends out here would spot it for you, dear..! **SMILE**


  10. oho....kewl ..soo u r nothing short to perfection i guess;)
    well wen u teaching me golf coach;)

  11. Didnt see the golf ball in any of the pics...Were you faking the poses? :D
    Just kidding.!

    Way to go ......All the best!

  12. @ Devi : din you see it !...she nevr hit it !...

  13. who took the pics ?

  14. Nice pic....cooooooool...


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