Monday 17 July 2006

In case you cant see, this is alsooo ME...

Another first time adventure ,with some balls and stick again... this time, they say its "snooker"... for me its all the same Image


  1. OMG !...Gal you are on a roll !...atleast we get to see the ball you are playing ...LOLZ ....

  2. Cool... playing pool... great going. Last time I tried playing it, I hit my husband with the stick! Accidently, it was not intended...

  3. manu---thanks God, u can see the ball this least u know, i am not "acting" LOL!

    sab---u r correct, ie exactly why my husband NEVER stood behind me... he didnt even play with me too... i played with some guys i found in the bar..[dont even know their came]..needless to say.. they always won!!!

  4. How can i judge that you were playin ? can just be a pose for te pic !...

  5. manu--i will ask my hubby to testify it [he is the only witness to "it" whose name i know !!]

  6. yeah !..but how is he gonna testify ?....may be a video of him accepting it will do !....:D ...

  7. Last time I played pool, the cue (white) ball hit a striped ball and the striped ball fell in the pocket. But the only problem was the striped ball was not on the table that I played pool, it was two tables away from me.

  8. Have u time swathi for all these when u worry about your house maintenance? Enjoy

  9. Want to hear something funny? I can't play pool online for anything... but to play for real... I rock! :P LOL

  10. Swathi playing snooker? Well well!
    ....and Sab, are you sure it was not intentional ;-)
    ..I think we should have a special table made for Varkey to play pool! **straight face**

  11. the invisible snooker Swathi ....

  12. sooo chilling out...eeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh???


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