Tuesday, 5 September 2006

Mind's Play!

Strangely there happen certain things in your past that u never want to re-live again. Such deep is the pain, such vast is the hurt that you never even remember about it now a days. In fact it has been more than  a lot of yrs since you even thought about that dreadful past. And suddenly one day, everything floods into your present life as memories, in fact for no apparent reason.


And you make yourself a BIG surprise by remembering each and ever minute details of the set of all those incidents. You suddenly seem to relive the past with its dreadful pain. For some moments you are the old –self, going thru the hurt and pain. And the pain….which you dumped into your remotest, darkest part of your mind, so that it may never pop-up, has re-surfaced again.


………….and still you feel, if you could go back to the past for one moment, to have the pain in your life. Because somehow you are so curious to know how the pain would feel now, that once had destroyed you, to the core. Why is it like that?


  1. I keep doing that everyday....wonder why it is like that..

  2. coz tehat teh way life is... and coz u are now strong enough to face the pain head to head...

  3. Swathi, every pain is a reminder for attention. Close your eyes, sit wher you are alone with yourself, and try to actually 'communicate' with that pain- physical or mental...

    I might sound wierd, but I promise you, after some time, you'll start getting answers as to what attention this fellow (pain) required.
    There's some action required, and this pain is a reminder!!

    (I'm a veteran of several of these, and hence talk from my own experience.)

  4. yeah...sometimes we remember the past...those memories which we have long repressed & forgot.May be its time that we came to terms with those feelings & hopefully now we are in a better position to cope.

  5. Thats about painful memories...they resurface each time you want to bury it deep. best way is to leave it aside by not giving much importance to it. dont even try to forget it. Anyhow, there is no guarantee it will not surface again after many years...we have to learn to ignore such memories.


  6. Pain never goes away they are always stored in memories , and memories never fade, its life s way of reminding you life is a mix of pain and pleasure.

  7. I wish I had some sound advice to give you, but you know I go through the same things daily... still trying to face and cope... **Hugs**

  8. Nice Thought. You have to ignore. that is only the way.

  9. WHY IS IT LIKE THAT ??..simple answer !..you are HUMAN !..What can i say !.wish i knew !...well i live along with them !..

  10. Hi,Swathi, i think if we keep on Recalling any past memories off and on, then the pain may arise,if you ignore simply ignore it,and not to recall it again from your memory, it may not arise, but then agin it simply cant wont be removed from our memorey, because the incident has already been Registered,in our brain of any unplesent incidents, so the pain may be foreever and ever from time to time, opinion

  11. Sankaran has the right answer.

  12. Swats,like cheesy sez, we are afterall human, and we have no choice but to feel the pain, some cry ,some nod it off, some complain, some keep quite, you just have a variety of choices on how to deal with it..hope it goes away..((HUGS))

  13. hope i am not sounding rude !...That indeed was Weird from Swelliyod !..Keep apart the " Facing the fear " thing...that sounded quite weird !...Some times that Pain will eventually eat you up once you start it to build up on ya !

  14. I would agree with Mr Nambothiripad I think thats Swelliyods name, and I would also like to say that we really dont know why such things happen or why all of a sudden our minds are thus tortured, but I know that when we go through that torture, it seems like eternity and that the pain would never end. But know this that change is reality. Pain comes and it goes we dont know why just wait it out and the sun will shine.

  15. Swati....Memories remains alwasy with us...either Good Either Bad....and Thats the Life.....**Hugs**

  16. Yeah it will sound weird to those who have not experienced it Manu! ...and all that a person doesnot understand is weird to that person. Isn't that how it goes??!! ***smiles*** Lot of growing up to do! ;-)

  17. Its True.. It happenes .I have experienced the same many times.Recently my guru's words. " Happened is happened .. What next should be our Aim.." this keeps me comming out of the old and painful thoughts.

    Osho says " YOU are the reason for all sufferings and pains.. When you understand this you stand corrected."

    We all say life has equal Joy and sorrow.. but we pray for all good. We dont pray for bad. But atleast let us learn to accept the bad when it comes on our way.. Think twice. You will understand the truth in it.

    Cheer up friend..

    ~ King

  18. The faster you run away from pain, the closer it gets to you.. Ignore it, forget it. At your own peril.

    Attend to it. Listen to it. And the answers are right there. None else but the 'owner' of the pain can 'get' the answer.

    I know, this does sound wierd...

  19. you listen to it !...For the time i know !..you tend to go deep with it !..It depends on the person !.for some , the mere standing up against might rip it off !..But for some ..It literally eats you up !...

  20. The answers come back to us !..Making us think .." COULD HAVE DONE THIS !" ..it would have helped !..you think more about the pain and the thing you could have done which might have not brought it up like this ...rather than the way to relieve yourselvess of pain !..or the present condition !...hope i had a time machine !...

  21. I have gone thru it by giving it the attention, as s velliyod (and shail and jacob ) told me...
    as anoop has told i CAN face it now, as it had gone much further than it can hurt me!
    as sindhu told, i have come inot terms with it..
    as vinod told, i dont even try to forget them....
    and june-born told, memories never fade....
    .. and as cheeeeze told me: I am a very basic and ordinary HUMAN....and that i still dont have a time-machine, to go back and avoid those pain's causes!
    ...and thanks a million to florossel, lisa, anu, sekhar , jo, universe, who empathised!!!
    love you guys ! *kisses*
    .... we are all WEIRD!!


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