Saturday 23 December 2006

Spot me?- 2

This is again, another old group photo...

Year: 1993

Place:Holy Angels' Convent School, Trivandrum.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

clue: This time I couldnt get hold of my place near any of those teachers

thats me...second row from bottom, standing extreme left.... a kind of secluded away from the group!!!! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

DEEPS, congrats on your eye sight!!!!!


  1. i got you i got you .... you r on second last row....

  2. No..Nitin, u r sooo wrong...LOL

  3. hmm standing 2nd row 7thone from left to rt i think,its very diffucult all r girls and pic not clear

  4. Secnd Row from Top, 4th from Left.

    1993, you were a school kid!!!! I was in my 2nd Year at college of Fine Arts, Palayam, TVM.(and you thought you are senior to me) he he he:D


  5. The faces are not clear, but I guess its the first one in the second row from the bottom.

  6. You are sitting next to the teacher wearing that read saree!

  7. Bhoothakannadi venamallo Swathikutty!! *goes in search of a magnifying glass*

  8. @ Shail: :) are u trying to say that u have to bye or may be use Magnifying Glass to find Swathi....ha ha ha....if yes...that's what i think....:)

    Its Difficult to find u this time.....u want beleive I m try since yesterday...n I m unable...

  9. **laughing at shail aunty's comment**

  10. DEEPS---*pats on his back....WOW great eyesight!!! keep it safe* I should really congraulate you...its sooooo unclear **btw, was that a blind guess???*

  11. Thank Thank you...:)

    Swati, how can you say it is a blind guess :D. I should say it was a little easier for me after I saw your school photographs taken in 1992. You had posted your photographs in December 19th blog. I observed your hairstyle and the puzzle was solved! ;)

  12. Exactly Deeps!! Even before I saw the answer, I came back after a look at your old photo and concluded its you...but I realised the answer was up!! :-)

    Psst! Bhoothakanadi kittiyilla ketto!

  13. @ Anu: Yes, thats exactly what I wrote! ;-)

  14. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....*scratching up*!!!

  15. I seriously am not able to recognise..even after i got the answer!

  16. hey this is easy yaar!

  17. Swats, it's like gazing at my own achool-final group photo..! 1993... well, I was very much into my career by then, based in New Delhi.

    Too bas I couldn't make it your place as planned due to work and domestic constraints, dear. But next time, you can surely expect me at your doorstep..! (((H~U~G~S)))



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