Yesterday Anooj aka Sheikhmon asked me why the Valentine storm didn’t reach my page (missing red colour, red rose, red hearts, or even a post about love/Valentines’ day). I answered him that I quit celebrating this day after my first break-up. Of course , that was just to shut him up. (He didn’t shut up..that was another issue!). But his question just hit me. So yesterday evening when we went to TESCO, I decided to try. This is the conversation that took place, as its result.
Me: You know every husband will buy his wife some gifts today.
Him: Why today?
Me: Tomorrow is Feb 14 th.
Him: So?
****my god, doesn’t he see all those red balloons and those huge hoardings on special offers on Valentine’s day gifts and those huge teddies with I-love-you ,all over the place?****
Me: Feb 14th is Valentine’s day.
Him: What’s that?
**** God, sorry, I did a mistake. Why did you give me this big mouth? ****
Me:***patiently and hopefully*** It’s the day to express love for your love, by buying gifts
Him: OK.
****5 minutes silence****
Me: So…ahem…. are you going to buy some thing for me?
Him: Why?
Me: Everybody does that. **God, do I sound desperate? ***
Him: hmmm….
Me: ***softly *** How about that teddy, on that display?
Him: Are you crazy? Its 12€. You want me to waste 12 € for some stupid day?
Me: OK, then what about those flowers?
Him: Swathi, you want me to waste money on flowers that withers away within hrs?
Me: OK. then may be something cheaper? **God can I bury my head inside earth, please? ***
Him: Like what?
Me: Small teddies may be? *** Do I have anything called p-r-i-d-e, left in me?***
Him: OK, if its under 5€.
*** 5€? Even a decent chocolate box costs 7€****
Me: **wearing that drama-queen mask** Don’t you think that its so pitiful for me to ask you to buy me something on Valentine’s day? I didn’t get anything from any boys on this day, even while I was in college and now I have only you, to ask.****sniffing*** And now, you don’t even want to buy me anything. O god! I will never get any love-gift in my life for Valentine’s day. Will this wish of mine, die with myself? ***eying him to see, if there is any effect, on his face ***
Him: **smiling** You wanted a teddy, isn’t it? I knew that earlier. Why couldn’t you tell me that directly, instead of going through all this?
***by this time we reached the aisle full of I-love-you teddies***
Him: Go on…take, whatever you want!
Me: ***smiling from ear to ear***I just wanted to hear that from you.
**checking price-tag** Oh! Its very costly. Why waste money on such things!!! Lets go and buy some groceries !!!
Him: Are you sure?
Me: Of course, I am. Also those teddies don’t look handsome!
And that’s how my Valentine’s day shopping ended!!!
Anooj, Now tell me, don’t you think that its a good thing that we (me and hubby) are actually respecting St. Valentine by NOT celebrating His day? LOL!!!
PS: For those who couldn't find anything funny in this, read THIS.