Every parent in Kerala, cherish a dream. Their kid should become either an IT professional (cream of Indian society!) or a Doctor with at least a PG.
In most families while one parent desires to make the kid a doctor, another one desires to make him an IT professional. I am 100% sure that no one ever cares to ask the kid about, what he wants his career to be (even when he comes to 12th class).
My case was also no different. When I was a kid, mom wanted me to become a doctor (though I got the least marks in Biology!) and my dad wanted me to become either an IAS officer (ohhh!!! he dreamed a lot !!!!
) or an engineer (at that time, IT /comp science were not popular). I think he wanted an electronics engineer out of me. My secret wish was to take English/Malayalam literature for post graduation and take Phd or do research in it and become a famous literature socialite. (LOL, a thoroughly doomed dream!!
) Anyway no one asked me about it, so it died anonymously inside me. OK, I didn’t have the courage to tell this to my parents either!!
When I was in 10th, God helped me from NOT being a Doctor (many peoples lives must have been saved!). After my 10th exam, one day, my mom’s hand got cut and I took her to a near by hospital. There, while the nurse was dressing her wound, and blood flowed from it profusely, there was a loud “thump” sound!! And they all saw me lying fainted in the floor
. I was admitted to hospital and mom was asked to look after me (with her bandaged hand!).
That was a stark, practical realization for my mom that her “kid-would-become-doctor” dream was shattered into pieces!
It took months for my mom to accept that her dream won’t work with me “practically” with my mindset. So, naturally the other choice was the only way for them…yea, an engineer. Next 2 yrs were grueling period for me. My weight dropped from 55 kg to 47 kg
. My fainting sessions frequency increased. And my tuition masters asked my dad, NOT to give me so much emotional pressure. (I realized its extent, when they began to narrate my fainting saga to my juniors…one of them came and told me that she knows me as the girl, who faints in classes!!!)
Actually the emotional pressure that I got from my parents was simple ---“We chose to have only one baby cos, we wanted to raise u like queen (yea, it was true!). We provided you with more than your father could afford (again true, my father was just an ordinary government clerk). We both live ONLY on ur expectation. If you let us down, our whole hard work of 17 yrs, will come to an end! We will be no better than dead! “
My parents rented a house near my college and tuition centers for my uninterrupted studies. My tuition session started at 5:30 AM in the morning, and I reached home at 9:30 PM, after 5 subject tuitions. (OK, I was not alone; there were 100’s of ordinary government officer’s daughters and sons, along with me!!).
At that time (11 yrs back) there were only 2 engg colleges under Kerala University (now there are more than 50). One thing my dad told me clearly is that, he cant “buy” me a management seat, in any self-financing engg colleges, simple cos he DIDN’T have money (He had taken 3-4 loans, at that time. We didn’t even have a home on our own!) The main problem was that I was always aware of my parent’s financial crisis, which made me indebted to them more than anything.
Anyway, I got thru engg entrance with 595th rank, in the entrance exam. I had 93% in 10thclass, 84% in 12th class, and 77% BTech (all with distinction)--
-my cousins think I am a “geek”. They don’t know what all my parents DID to make a “geek” out of me.
Many people around me, including some of my relatives and ex-classmates find, some “extra-ordinary”, “strange” reasons for my academic behavior! (Ok, thankfully those don’t include, cheating
Fruits ripen with time, by the due course of nature. But certain fruits are “ripened” artificially. They look the same, but tastes different. I am an artificially ripened fruit. My dad gave me a career. I am so thankful to him, for showing me a way to live independently. Now, I need /want my IT job to earn bread (cos I don’t know any other job!).
But sometimes I am unable to take a decision---which is right? To do what ur heart wants, w/o any logic (and of course w/o any bread!),
OR to do what ur brain says with logical reason?
Currently I am going with my brain. (cos I want to live, and for that I need money!)
But later, I will change my course. May be then my dad and mom, will forgive me!
Well..whatever happens, happens for the best.
ReplyDeleteI was never told what to do, my dad left the decision onto me, and that made me do all the research and made me realise what I really wanted to do or achieve from life.He just made me feel that he is there with me always to back up my decision.
swathi nice to read how u worked hard to join ur engineering.i have heard how tough the competitions for engineering in kerala and seen lot of ppl come to tamilnadu to join engineering until couple of yrs ago.
ReplyDelete'artificially ripened fruit' i think this what most of us are living today either to our loved ones or to society v r somehow bonded and couldnt come out of it.
but someday we have to take our heart path but before tht we gotta make our brains to understand wht our heart needs until then we gotta be running behind the life.
my father wanted me to become everything. so did i..... "jack of all trades, master of none".
ReplyDeleteHmmm... I was lucky I guess!!! Oh, I am a fellow engineer, but no one pushed me to take it up. So, I guess you to share the dream of quitting this (when you have enough money of course) and starting afresh?
ReplyDeleteSame story here,just different names.My elder sis is the smart one in the family,so she was even more artificially ripened even more.(coincidentally her names Swathi too).Somehow its very easy to go astray and if u arent part of the cream its as if u arent doing well enough.Our parents generation valued security above all else and we are just the by products of their safe play.I wanted to be a million things when i was young from pilot to writer..but ironically ended becoming something i never expected..engineer.
ReplyDeleteMy mother never pushed any of us to be what she wanted us to be, but I know she was saddened when I didn't become what SHE aspired me to be. As for my kids, I don't push them either... Experience is the best teacher.
ReplyDeleteI am also like kishore..jack of all trades and master of none. good to know more abt u through all ur blogs...all the best for ur future endeavours and have a happy valentines day swathi
ReplyDeleteSwathi, I know the situation u was mentioning...
ReplyDeleteIts like only species for good future, Doctor and engineer(inclu. software prof.)
But I was lucky........No one forced (though they had the dreams......
and I became some thing I didnt even dream @10 std
As Kishore said I wanna become everything ..pilot to TV cameraman(of discovery)...
But I am happy what I am now.....(your 360 friend) :)
Dear, what I gotta say is that, no matter what you are artificially made up to be, at last, you will end up doing those things which you always wanted to do or which you are talented in.
ReplyDeleteYou can easily see this thing happening with me... even though I just started off with my career, I am changing my fields towards some stuff which I myself dint knew I was good at... its not delibrate... it just happens... At last you will end up doing those things which you are good at, no matter what you studied and which professional you are.
God has send each person here for something worthwhile. We wont leave this planet without doing that. Thats what I believe. I also believe that one day I'll see you getting a renowned literature award for something you would publish. Maybe you wont be knowing, your blogs are those tiny steps towards moulding you as one of best writers(u r already a good one) in India.
dear, that was a tough situation. Luckly my parents asked me what i want to do, and since i didnt knew which would be better, i tried for both (and, didnt get throught any :) ) I had my entrance tutions @ PC Thomas, Thrissur.Then i wanted to do BSc Physics, but coz of my very good puc performence, didnt get the seat, so joined for BSc Chemistry. though I got a seat for Physics soon after I joined, I didnt change it. Then one more year i tried for Engg, but, couldnt make it. then aft my BSc, parenst asked me what i want to do - MSc, Or MBA or MCA. My heart was for MBA, but my Head was for MCa, so i wrote the entrance and got a good rank. Well, My hearts wish is to take up a career in automobile designing, but i made my mind(very early - during my 10th std) that i didnt want to study it 9coz there is no college in Kerala which offers world class training, and going abroad is beyond my fathers reach)- i alwqys wanted to get a job and settle first, and then want to change track... am dreaming about 10 years down the line...
ReplyDeleteI see you as Columnist,writer in the future.Who knows, you may be a litt socialite as you always wanted to be.
ReplyDeletei agree with pradeep...but finally in end wot matters is..r u happy n satisfied with wot u r doing...?...anyway gal..gud luk:)
ReplyDeleteSwathi.... ur fainting sessions were truly funny... very interesting how u avoided being a doctor :-)... I too didnt want to be amechanical engineer... i shud have fainted in front of the mixer.... or something... anyways... what to do.... have to do what we have to do... superb blog!
ReplyDeleteAll the Best for For whatever u do further in Life....Take care.
ReplyDeleteExpectation(Constant) = 1 where 1 is TRUE. So being constant will always give youa true value of expected things :)
ReplyDeleteTANIVI---ur r rie, whatever happens it will be onl for good! my fathers decision made my life, secure,..thats a truth which i cant deny.
ReplyDeletePRADEEP---yes,pradeep, we are artificllay ripened in one way or other. we are all chained, by the love for our near and dear one's, there is no freedom from that...
KISHORE---wow! thats cool!
BINOY---my husband is also a self-made IT professional. nobody pushed him or even asked him, so he chose his way. for me, i dont dream anything...quitting or even starting afresh....i guess, i flow with the tide...and let us see where it will reach!
KARTHIK---every middle class family value education as the most imp virtue. we can never say they r wrong. cos their intention is our own good only!
LISA--u know thiese things happen in India only. In US/Europe, the family doesnt have too much control over kids, as we see in India. thanks for ur wishes!
PRAKASH--we have so many "jack of all trades" here... thanks alot for u wishes!
ROHIT---LOL, being 360 frnd of mine!!!! i am rolling in laughing!
ASWATHY---u truly speak like my cousin. yea, ppl take birth with a mission and we will go back, only after completing it. i still dont know what my mission is. It ma be what I think, or it may be entirely different. i think i have 28 more yrs, to know it!
o...and thanks alot, for boosting my confidence.
ANOOP--great, u listened to ur brain. listening to ur brain lawyas helps u know, it makes u live...help u earn bread...intelligent pl always listen to their brain...Good!
MADDY---who knows, i can turn into a litt beggar to a litt socialite (2 extremes....!)
JYOTHI---thanks forur wishes!
ROSHAN--actually that fainting sessions was not a "made up". i truly cudnt cope with the pressure! thanks alot!
ANU--o! dont make me feel that i am quitting...i am NOT quitting..i just shared my thots...thanks alot for ur wishes...
PIYUSH---being constant helps...true..but being constant in some other way, helps too.
I wouldn't say it's so much as having "control" over one's child, but more in allowing a child to grow and become what HE/SHE wants to be as opposed to what the parent wishes. There are still some parents here who will force their kids to become what they want them to be whether it's the child's dream or not... I just think if your child has an ambition that is different than what you wish your child to be, then you should support their decisions and give them the room to grow. Don't get me wrong though, I do understand and respect what you're saying, just expressing my opinion.
ReplyDeleteWhat happens ,happens for good.....What has happenned ,happened for good....what is gonna happen,will happen for good....And all these are suppose to happen,thats why it happened.....Got me..!
ReplyDeleteLISA---OH! pls dont misunderstand me. In most Indian families, one's careers and marriages are finally parents decision.they decide what u must become and whom u shud marry!(though things are chnaging, now!) i think more than 80% Indian families are like that. what i meant by "control" is only that.
ReplyDeleteCHANAKYA---u r quoting GITA?? sambhavaami yuge yuge...
ReplyDeleteI wanna tell u , my story...My parents like others..They wanted to make me either a Doc or engineer....So they bought a house between a Medical College & a Engineering College.So I can 've easy access to both...At that time ,I was only in 5th std...When I grew up ...they were sure ,I willnot make it to any of this pro..colleges.Meanwhile my father had lots of cases regarding our lands.So when I joined for law ,he was excited....Yrs before ,when I had chance of admission in law academy ,he didnot allow ...saying he had enough of my studying...So after working next few yrs in Marketing field,I decided go for law...as I had my own earnings...I joined...Meanwhile my father was cursing himself for not allowing me to join law yrs ago.....U know ppl who frequent courts will be proud ,if their kids,are lawyers ..even if they are distant related too.My father passed away ...6 months after I enrolled....I rememeber how he was dancing ,at 79 yrs,when he heard about my results...the finals.....So that is it...
ReplyDeleteSwathy...Maybe..But I got it from "chandamama"...remember it..lol!
ReplyDeleteI didnt say u fainted on purpose... i just wished i had fainted when my mom was operating a mixer or when someone started a pump... anything mechanical... Ok..I ma being stupid
ReplyDeleteAs a person who always listened to my heart instead of my head....I think sometimes it's good to listen to your head!!! You may be in a better position in the long run. Following your heart can lead you to "no bread" like you said, which ultimately forces u to feel frustrated also because in the end you'll have to use your brain to come out of it (and by then it may be weak from lack of use!!! :) Whereas, it's clear that your heart is still strong, despite following your head. I like your blogs, Swathi...very thoughtful.
ReplyDeleteSwathi..I think I told this in one of my blogs...my dad and mom never forced anything on me..they left me free and I chose mass communication and am really happy for that...they were always by my side and supported me in whatever I do..
ReplyDeleteWell written...
ReplyDeleteChase your dreams...All the best
Infact, even you would be victim of such-thinking towards your next generation… reason – we don’t think education as way of acquiring knowledge and way to better intellectual future but way to acquire ‘comfort’.. (money/etc…).. if an IIT/IIM grad become school teacher & earn 10k/month honesty you could call him/her ‘fool’ right..!?.. lets face-it we all want economy freedom first and we don’t know what is the ‘limit’/’enough’ to live happy-life…
ReplyDeleteI strongly believe - more economy independent we become, our next generation would have freedom to take-up anything/everything of their interest (sports/music/art/…) and even we couldn’t stop them… trust you agree.
During a discussion – I told my dad that he wasn’t smart-enough during his days to earn ‘loads’ of money so that I wouldn’t need to work instead I would have had more fun and would have done something more interesting in my life.. and his response: ‘Sorry my son – atleast you make sure that your son don’t ask same question’ (classic my dad and I love him for it..))..
But please do remember - High achievements sometimes takes place in the framework of high expectation..
ReplyDeleteyeah,i agree with u...parents do have great expectations from their kids & sometimes tend to fulfil their own dreams through their offspring.i hope when i become a parent,i'll be different.
ReplyDeleteby the way...congratulations to you for your great performance, even if it was because of your parents expectations:)