venturist v has sent you a message
- venturist v
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Sent To: Swathi-is a cartoon,now
Looks like Mahila Mukti Manch has issued a fatwa against me. I will try to reply soon.
I don't know you or your husband. I found your blog from Madhu's blog (another blabber mouth).
-------------Swathi-is a cartoon,now wrote:
> My hubby's own well wisher-all y360 wives are fighting FOR him!!!
venturist v has sent you a message
- venturist v
- M
Sent To: Swathi-is a cartoon,now
Just to set the record straight, I am a man. I have been with guys but your husband is so not my type.
After reading your blogs, I started hating word "Hubby". Don't know why?
-------------Swathi-is a cartoon,now wrote:
> My hubby's own well wisher-all y360 wives are fighting FOR him!!!
........and this seems to be some one who got really confused with all the ACTION going on.....
Maddy has sent you a message
- Maddy
Online Now
- Maddy Alps, M
Sent To: Swathi-is a cartoon,now
it is not visible? anyways i have one question Why do you tell always people that you love your husband very much do you really like him?
Does he really gives you love, sex and care as much as you need? iam just confused thought to get to know it from you?
-------------Swathi-is a cartoon,now wrote:
> My hubby's own well wisher-all y360 wives are fighting FOR him!!!
.... and when i changed the settings NOT to receive any more messages....i got this!!!
Connect to me on Yahoo! 360°
Sent to: Swathi-is a cartoon,now
Hi! What's up with all this name calling by Mahila Muktee Manch?? I was keeping it all civil. BTW I don't know who this joker Maddy is? You guys have been bashing me for last two days. I wanna reply to some of things your friends are saying about me.
- Accept: Click here to connect to venturist v's personal page and begin creating a page of your own.
- Deny: venturist v is automatically notified that you've denied the invitation. You can include your own message.
- Ignore & Delete: This invitation is deleted from your inbox. venturist v is not notified.
Swathi, you have some patience I must say!
ReplyDeletesimply an addition at Ignore list !!
ReplyDeleteSneha, what does wtf mean? I know you don't curse....
ReplyDeleteOMG!!! WHo is this fucking bastard??? Yeah Iggy him sweetu! I'm sure we can do without creeps like him and my stupid stalker kinds! That reminds me..the pychopath was upto some tricks..i'll post it soon!
ReplyDeleteWhat the....
ReplyDeleteWHAT THE FUCK !..
ReplyDeleteROTFLMAO...This is getting funnier!!
ReplyDeleteHere, the women were fighting for him and he feels this is a fatwa?? Hahahahaha..!! Pssst! Its all that club and brick talk of mine I guess! ;-)
Now I am really baffled, puzzled, mystified, perplexed, bamboozled, bewildered, confused, all at sea, befuddled, confounded, at a loss.... I will stop now! Phew!! ***wipes sweat off brow*** What do you say when you love your husband?? I thought the normal procedure was to tell so clearly, "I love my husband - dearly, very much, so much, so very much...so on and so forth...." Now this simple fact has come under scrutiny and doubts have been raised as to whether you really love your husband and whether you are getting all you should be!!!;-)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...I tell you!! I have not heard a better joke in my life. What is eating these people??
swatz.. u really have patience as Rajasree sayz.. how can u stand this kind of fucking son of a bitchs? itz creepy... what this perverts r doing....
ReplyDeletejus put him on the ignore list! or report for abuse thou' I dont think thats feasible..! but this truely is irritating~! you've got patience gal!
ReplyDeleteShail sent me here!
Oh, whats happening here,
ReplyDeleteOh the little kid needs some attention.
Oh Oh come to daddy.
....u really have enough patience swathy...these kind of people should be taught a good lesson..really annoying behaviour..
ReplyDeleteDon't bother to reply who have no identity of his own, keeps in hiding (his profile has just his name) and he is challenging some best blogger around... just 'coz they are women..
ReplyDeleteThis is very serious now...
WE must report him abuse on YAhoo 360 !!
Igane software engineer aanennokke paranju nadannal mathiyo? avante IP id okke undayaal namukkavane pokkikkooTe...avane namukku pokkiyaalO?
ReplyDelete*** arhikkunna avnjayOte ithokke thaLLikkalayunnathalle namukku nallathu...oru nalla bloginu venda samayavum energyum okke ingane nashppikkanO.....***
Oh God...this people really sucks...they r nuts.....just ignore swathi....
ReplyDeleteConfounding...misty...turn of events...mind racing like an engine without fuel...Sherlock Holmes goes into a thinking mode !
ReplyDeletewakes up from reverie and says "shocked"
Swathi..Shoot them blighters!
ReplyDeleteignore and delete, ignore and delete, ignore and delete, ignore and delete....
ReplyDeleteThats whats going on now!! ;-)
ReplyDeleteI mean ignore and delete!
ReplyDeleteYup Swats, agree with all here. Just 'ignore and delete, ignore and delete, ignore and delete, ignore and delete....' - that's what the eunuch deserves..! Son-of-a-thousand-fathers all b*****ds like him..! And Madhu's no blabber-mouth..! Makes my blood boil, really Swathi..!
ReplyDeleteWe're all with you..! ***Hugs***
He says directly as guy and indirectly hinting him as Gay. It is not worth to waste your time on him now. You leave this and simply ignore him.
ReplyDeleteI have a simple policy in my life.
I try to be friendly with everyone and try to make every one enjoy with humour and funny things. If I am not able to do that I will keep quite and will not try to hurt any one and will not try for conflict also. I think it is best policy atleast for me.
Coming to Venturist, He should not have commented in that way. Which is clearly indicating that he is doing wrong. Secondly after seeing the response from different people and the feeling of you, He has to maintain silence. There is no other way. He doesnt have any right to suffer you or provoke you with unnecessary things. Perticularly he need to be maintain silence or go away from you permanently. Instead he is trying to provoke you with his messages, which I feel very wrong.
I think you need to ignore him and carry on with your routine as if nothing happend.
O gosh Swathi, I must say you've some patience there for this MCP... Darn, I second every one here, Ignore and Delete... Fatwa.. hmm.. and now women has one more responsibility to get certification from such MCPs on "I Love My Husband" -- she's true -- Signed by the most MCP of all Mr. Venturist.. ha ha ha.. wooh...
ReplyDeleteI was reading your blogs from the begining, and I just came to seethe latest. What ever this is, I rather not get Involved or comment. Whats with all the F word?!. and from people on my friendlist too. My god.
ReplyDeleteBut I can help you on the technical level, When you selected not to recieve messages from Public, You set the "Blast type" to Question, or Spoken. Those are the type which has "reply" link. You will figure it out. Or You might have put Maddy (if Maddy is your friend) on a category that is allowed.
Walked in thru Shail...
ReplyDeleteJust ignore and delete..this is cummon. If you don't add them they wld message you offline on yahoo messenger. Even this is not enough wld create a new Id and send request of invite. Best is to ignore and delete instead of reacting to it....nothing wld go into deaf ears.Why spoil the day and time for such useless stuff.