Ok.. That’s it. I am back. Today Shail aunty was asking me when I am going to be back from hibernation and I was replying “hmmm… don’t know.. may be after some more time. “. And only yesterday I got a mail from Mina telling me that she is impressed that I have kept myself away from y360! Retracting everything I had decided, look at me, I am back again, like the black sheep who went in search of greener pastures and came back home only to find the relation between grass and green…(ohh.. its that same old story!)
Now what triggered me to come back was a celebrity. [God… I still haven’t gotten over the “thing” for celebrities!] But it’s not me, this time, who is salivating over celebrities- at least not at this particular time. One of my female colleagues (let us call her ‘A’), adores George Clooney. She is a very sporty girl, not a girlie-girlie type, but more of a tomboyish. When other girlie-girlies, like me of course, go on raving non-stop about the new shopping centre about to open in our town, she will be sitting quietly. [‘R’ was even thinking of telling my manager to give us all womenfolk, paid-leave on that day when Ireland’s biggest shopping centre opens in our town, next month].
Once ‘R’ and I even asked ‘A’ why doesn’t shopping makes her high. And I will never forget the ‘look’ she gave me! The next thing I remember is ‘R’ running away from her for her dear life. I couldn’t run because I am sitting next to her. She is one hell of a girl. So when she started sighing on Clooney, I was thinking… so she is like us… [except for the shopping addiction, of course!]
So, for the past 2 weeks my inbox is being bombarded by her, with George Clooney’s pictures. The subject varying from “Embodiment of Perfection” (he sure was, in that photo), “To Brighten your day” (and it brightened my day!), even to “The Real Man” (which I forwarded to my hubby, hoping he wouldn’t forward Jordan’s picture to me..LOL..) and “ONLY screen savers to have” (I wanted to, but on second thoughts, dropped the idea for obvious reasons!). I wouldn’t lie. I am sure an ardent admirer of beauty in all forms. That includes everything that can make a feast to my eyes – nature, food, clothes, human beings everything… Clooney comes in that scale of course, but still there are some other celebrities I really admire, for beauty.
So, last day I went to her desk to have a peek at her collection of Clooney photos. He is gorgeous, of course. And we were discussing about his divorce, bachelorhood, and latest girlfriend when she showed me some pictures of players in Spanish league. And I was bowled over. I asked her “Are Spanish men always so gorgeous?” (Of course I didn’t have any idea about it!). It was almost like watching “Miss World” pageant, but with male contestants!!! And she was smiling at me with that “all-knowing” look.
Now it has become a joke among us girls here - circulating Clooney pictures. Honestly, I love it. Now, I want to find some one on my own, so that I can circulate his pictures to them, in return. [Does any body else's heart skip a beat on Lorenzo Lamas... ?? or is that just mine?]
After all we are all girlie-girlie types… and now I know for sure that we are from Venus..