Monday, 23 July 2007

Another tabloid story!

First of all, all tabloid-haters, please close this blog....

And those, who still are curious to know about what lies in here.....

Yesterday I bought Irish News of the World newspaper because of just one single news which was the headline, about an Indian....

This is for all who are interested in 'Bollywood News'- Indian, non-Indian, expat or otherwise...

After celebrity big brother known as CBB here, Indians' very own Shilpa Shetty rose to stardom, in UK and Ireland...

In the Filmfare Awards Function (June 2007) in Yorkshire, she was awarded for her 'lady like behaviour' in CBB. (what a unique award!)

and now....she has made headlines again in British and Irish tabloids.....

unfortunately for this....

note: I am not endorsing 'News of the world'. Apparently Hindu also followed it.

a Flashback....



  1. What can be sid about it... A tough situation for all. I hope if it is really true they all act maturely and wisely

  2. Celebreties thrive on publicity. And Shilpa has one of the most expensive PR outfits working for her. Tabloids (and stories like this) are sure ways of keeping her in public gaze- good news or otherwise, it's still news. She remains in public attention, and that's what matters!
    News (good or bad) is always good news for them...

  3. Well who knows, people may appear to be what they are not..Me being in media can tell one thing foe sure. we strive to provide news for our target audience...and tabloids don't mean that they are rumours. It could have some serious truth in it.

  4. pour glicerin in eyes..cry yelling against racism..And becoming star... Lakhs of idiots reading and enjoying(I donno wat pleasure they are getting)..
    This is a funny world..

  5. After Big Brother, she became the idol of India, then came the kissing controversy..and now this....well what to say???

  6. as the saying goes any publicity is goos publicity as long as the person is in Page 3...

  7. The tabloids make me laugh. I always pick them up while waiting on line at the grocery store, crack on a few articles and then put it back... You CANNOT believe everything just because 'somebody' wrote it, but even if it's true, sad that there's a child in the middle of this and is anyone really thinking of that child? I think not.

  8. Good God!! Is this anything new?? How many stories of the sort have we heard over the years?? True or not we see such things happening so often!!

  9. Next you will see Dr. Shetty 'maintaining a dignified silence'.... LOL... after all it is THAT dignity that got her this fame....


  10. U know what is going to be the next fashion statement....A new diamond studded golden stethoscope chain made famous by Dr.Shilpa Shetty........

  11. Dr.Shilpa Shetty had almost faded out before this look where she is..!!!

    "Kali Kaala Vaibhavam"...


  12. Hei Swathi.

    Maybe she ought to hand back the prize for LADYLIKE behaviour now?!!
    Interesting entry.
    So do not like BBB and do not watch after the first two seasons in the UK.
    BORING, so tis to the ultimate.
    Take care. HUGZ from Rii xx


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