Sunday, 15 April 2007

My first Irish Vishukkani, and its pains & pleasures!

I really didn’t realise that Vishu(the most important agricultural new year for Keralites), was on 15, till my father reminded me about it on 14 April. Back at home, he always used to make ‘vishukkani’ and here, in Ireland, this was our first Vishu, and that too in our own new home! I had no idea where to start with. First of all from where am I supposed to get ‘kanikkonna’ ( a kind of bright-yellow flowers aka "Golden Shower Tree") which were the main thing used for vishukkani .

Then about vegetables! I couldn’t even think using parsnip, carrot, potato and lettuce as part of ‘vishukkani’!! In Kerala, we usually use jackfruit, banana (not the small ones, but larger ones!), mangoes with leaves, coconut cut into half or tender coconuts (‘karikku‘) along with malar and pori (i dont know its english names!) all placed in a long banana leaf!

But ‘kanikkonna’ flowers were the most important thing, in a vishukkani..

Kanikkonna, in Ireland!! That would be like trying to get tulips or daffodils in Kerala.

So, I thought that we would use the wild gorse flowers seen here, at this time of year. At least it almost looked like ‘kanikkonna’.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

ahhhh … now came the biggest problem! Those innocent looking yellow gorse bushes are full of thorns with at least 2 inches long.

Anyway daffodils were almost out of season. And all the flower shops had only off-white flowers while we needed bright-yellow ones, and of course WITHOUT spending 20€ !!

So the wild, gorse flowers seemed the only option, left. But the thought of seeing 2 inch thorns as ‘kani’ made my husband wondering aloudDoes that mean that our new year life will be going to be filled with 2 inch thorns?” Now ‘that thought’ worried the hell out of me. Already my ‘disc’ and my health were in deep trouble. I really, really didn’t want more troubles in this new year!

So, I decided to put my college days ‘athappoo’ (floral arrangement for Onam) skills into action! Yea, I was always there to separate out flowers from their stems (but sure, they didn’t have 2 inch long thorns!!)

After two long hours and very thorn-pricked, almost bleeding sore fingers …..

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can you see the length of the sharp thorns?

…and the final result???

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OK, I used green apples, oranges , pomegranate and lemons…so what!?

I had a mango and a cucumber too (though it doesn’t look like one!)

Above all, I STILL had thornless ’vishukkani’ with gorse flowers…

And a husband to wake me up at 4 am , to close my eyes till I saw the the kani first and then to me give me a 20€ “kaineettam”, even though I first gave him a 1 euro coin.

And I could only thank God for such a blessed life and to pray that let this may last forever and ever.

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  1. Hei Swathi.

    'Necessity is the mother of invention' as the saying goes!
    You made good use of the Gorse flowers, so you did.
    Take care and do keep safe. Rii xx

  2. PS.

    Happy Holiday to your and your hubby!

  3. You made your own 'kanikonna' there! Wonderful! The real spirit of Vishu is all about that! Finding Joy and Happiness under the given circustances, not complaining about what's missing!

    This was definitely the most unusual desciption of Vishu I've cpme across, but also the most spiritual one.

    I loved the way you've used an ordinary mirror instead of the Aranmula Kannadi- Ireland Kannadi, Gorse Flowers, Oranges, Lemons, Magoes, Green Cucumber, Pomogranets- enda oru kuravu? Kengemam!

    Here's me and our family wishing you and your hubby a wonderful Vishu and a great year ahead.

  4. Rii: thanks a million... Vishu, is actually Keralite's new year! and I am wishing you "happy vishu", too!I have included more links, especially for non keralite friends like you, to know more about vishu and kanikkonna.

    take care...

  5. Hi...i don't know how to wish you for this festival...but my wishes are on. Have a happy festival..

  6. Happy Vishu ...(got the name from your comment)

  7. sankaran: thanks a million for that was very touching.. HONESTLY!

    wishing you and family, HAPPY VISHU!

  8. florussel: thank you,dear!

  9. happy vishu,
    great touch you have here
    it's the feeling that counts after all

  10. WOW!! lemme tell you created a very beautiful 'vishukanni' out of those things, really..its looks beautiful and it doesnt gives me an Irish feel to it either. But i din like the fact about the thorns n u hurting ur fingers somehow..hope its not tht bad. Wishing you and ur hubby a very happy new year and may the year ahead be filled with petals and not at all with those 2 inch long thorns. God bless you :)

  11. Oh kani kandu... Thanks for that lovely kani. So sweet and touching. God bless you sweet girl. Take care of those sore fingers now. Hope all ur pains get away with that. No more pains this year. Only gains! (((((hugs)))))


  12. Happy Vishu.

    Oh ya that is the problem when we live out of the country. Well though we were informed a week back, completely forgot. though in my house ie my parents, we dont have the tradition of seeing kani, at my wife place they follow. this year we completely forgot.

    Well here hotels making good business on onam sadhya.

  13. Oh when i wrote the first comment, the pics were still struggling to come. dial up conection. Now i saw the kanni pictures. May be i didnt wake up seeing those, but now i have seen the kanni atleast through your nice pics. thanks.

  14. "Happy Vishu" ,swathi.........very informative blog.....I was not aware of this festival.

  15. Happy Vishu Swathi to both of u...I like those Flower very much...

    Have a Happy Holidays...Have a Great Time...

  16. glad to know that you had a nice vishu kani.. n hope those fingers dont hurt much now :)
    take care dear..

  17. *PAT PAT*

    sankerettan paranjathinodu njan poornamayum yojikkunnu....

    have a prosperous year ahead....

  18. Happy New Year Swathi.... "Happy Vishu"

  19. Happy Vishu to you both,Swathi!:)
    As u rtly said, being non-keralite,I learnt so much more about the festival from this blog & links.

  20. Wow ur kani looks superb..:)

  21. Wishing you the best, for now and always. **Hugs**

  22. hai..Nice Kani foto...And gd thorny yellow flowers...

  23. oops srry i know i m late but still belated vishukanni...i hope u had lotta fun n da pics a kewl.. da yellow is beautiful:)

  24. Like Sankaran says Kengeman kani! Belated wishes!!

  25. Kai kodu, Impressive very impressive, Im so ashamed im so late. The flowers in the bowl look just like the konna flowers, and thank God you gave kaineetam in euros, better to earn in them than the rupee right? Im sure that your karma will change for the better and that your disc will be resolved Love and prayers.

  26. Flowers vechirikkunna paatrathinadiyilulla patram Manoramayo Mathrubhumikko pakaram Irish ayippoyi.

  27. Thought that counts most to God, so you did an admirable job. Have a great Vishu, you and your family. Cheers :)

  28. that was wonderful.... Hmmm you took so much pain for your first Vishu... U r so caring...
    and it's looking nice..

  29. Happy New Year....Your display is lovely and the flowers look grand!


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