I have lost count of the number of times, I bounced back in life after some accident or injury or trauma(mental,too!). And each time I surprise myself, by being happier than before. I can only thank God, who blessed me with that spirit in me. A lot of people have told me in the past that I am truly a strong survivor, but I didn’t believe it, till this moment – after my latest survival!
It has been one and half months, since I stopped working in office. Tougher times are always at the beginning and end, when at first you do not accept that you CANNOT work and at the end you are SCARED to get back to work. God! How constantly we resist changes in our lives!
There are lots of good things that happened during this ‘break’ I took. First, I started taking a course on creative writing, which makes me so happy and full - from inside my heart. Finally, after 29 years, I am studying something entirely for MYSELF and NOT to meet my parents’ or teachers’ or manager’s expectations or standards on me! WOW! What a wonderful bliss! You know happiness lies in NOT making others happy. It lies in making just yourself happy! A lesson I learnt, now!
So for all my friends who didn’t know what happened to me, I had a slipped disc again for the fourth time in last 4 yrs. Now the disc didn’t just slip and sat there. It started pinching the nerve (Sciatic nerve) that was near it, just like those naughty 4 yr old kindergarten boys
. And the nerve got irritated and started annoying my brain. So, my brain just numbed my left side, starting from my left hip till ankle, through the leg. And here I was trying to use my left hip and leg, with no success! It is nothing serious, it always happens to me. So I know, when the pinching starts, and ends with numbness.
Ironically, the main problem I found was I didn’t have broadband at home. Can you imagine? Ireland, one of the richest countries in Europe and still do not have broadband coverage, in some of the exchanges (which included our exchange)? That was what irritated me, and I closed down my blog, because I just couldn’t drive or take the bus to an Internet café, to keep my blog active – at least when my doctor asked me NOT to sit or stand for long period.
Among other nice things that happened were, renewing my library card and reading ‘Memoirs of A Geisha’. I fell in love with that book again and again that I am still renewing it every two weeks, though I have finished reading it twice! My librarian gave me a huge, jute book-bag (with the name of the library printed on it) - when she saw me struggling with the weight of six hard-back books I carried each week. It was kind of funny. She must have thought I was really a bookworm.
When the relationship between my doctor and me reached a personal level, she recommended me this book – You Can Heal Yourself – by Louis L. Hay. (Www.LouiseHay.com). I am usually not into those self-help books, which says “You Can Be A Millionaire Within Two Months” OR “You can lose 30 pounds in two weeks”. I really think, each person is different and the ways that worked for one may not work for another - like prescription drugs!
But I should say that this book was wonderful. Though I reached only till Chapter 7, I must say that Louise knows what she is writing/teaching about. A wonderful book, especially when you are trying to bounce back into life!
So, that’s all what is happening now. I presume that I can start work from 15 May (which also happens to be my first anniversary day in Ericsson). And another ‘good’ thing - I lost 4 kilos, now hitting 48 kg, with bed-rest! And who said that you have to be ‘active’ to lose weight?
note: the pic is actually me swinging my heart out,in a kids' park,of course!
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