Thursday, 30 March 2006

Glimpses from my maternal & paternal homes-part 1

This the inside of the shiva temple, which i used to visit for the sake of walking. Later I found, it meant much more to me!



Our own "temple-pond"



My maternal family temple, where I used to hide, away from mom, when i was 3 till13!



The famous "theyyam"(he was facing me, when he saw my camera-phone)



The famous Panchavadyam, during "shivarathri".



This beach can be seen from my maternal home's terrace!



The view from my bed-room, in my house. Can you see the bird? Her nest is very near to my room's window!



I learned,practised and expertised in tree-climbing at the age of 3,on this,in my maternal home.


Monday, 6 March 2006

A Man with God's Hands!

Part I


I am hooked onto History Channel, now a days…esp “Biography”. I think I have got addicted to it. I marked the beginning with Adolf Hitler, which was just an accident. Then came “Bennito Mussolini”, another accident. After that I got hooked to it. I saw “Mikhail Gorbachev” and “Nancy Reagan”. Now mind you, I am craving for “biographies”. I really should have taken History for graduation.

Now a days they have this special “episode week” on prophecies, religious prophesies. So, this time, they were analyzing “the Revelation” part, in Bible, and analyzing each and every prophecy, mentioned in it with the rise and fall of Saddam Hussain(???), Anti Christ, and the Judgement Day. And mind you, hearing the narration and the analysis by the so-called “researchers” and “scholars”, have made me think about when the world is going to end and what am I supposed to finish, before that…poor me!Image


Part II


This is also the result of Discovery Channel. Actually, now a days, I watch only Nat Geo, History, Animal Planet and Discovery apart from cartoon network and pogo. Yea, I know my brain level oscillates from one extreme to another. Gosh my IQ can be anywhere b/w 5-32 Image!!!


There was this program on doctors in which they showed an interview with this Pediatric Plastic Surgeon.  Actually they showed a day in his clinic, with actual videos of his operations. When I first heard about his job, “Pediatric Plastic Surgeon”----I was thinking “O my god! They wont leave, even the kids now a days, do they????”. My first impression was that it was meant to make some starlet kids look perfect!!! Image


I was totally totally mistaken, when I saw this doc’s patients. They were babies born with very bad deformities in face. Some kids with no nose, some with nose and lips joined together, some with cleft lip, some with no palate at all…etc. I was stunned to see such terrible deformities in babies even under 6 months old. And this doc, he chose his patients from mostly African/Asian continents, where ordinary ppl are not aware, that these birth defects can be cured. Instead these babies are allowed to live with this , all their life.


There was this African baby girl, with nose and mouth joined into one big opening. After the operation, and of course after healing, do you know what her father said “Now, she is worth, a lot more cows!!!!!!”. It took me a sharp pang and 2 seconds to realize the deep meaning of that’s fathers words! She , who is just 1 yr old, is completely unaware of her transformation or her fathers, comments!

The documentary ended with that doctor’s comments:


"Beauty is skin deep,
Ugly is to the bone.
Beauty fades away,
But ugly hangs on."


In normal ways, I would never have supported his words. But after seeing what he did to her, and how her life got transformed, or how she was saved from life long humility, I would say, “God works thru his hands”. His mission is one of the best in the world, cos he choose his patients from the underprivileged and are from the most remote parts of the world. Some day I would really like to kiss those hands of him, I see them as God’s!

Thursday, 2 March 2006

A Peep Into Old Bollywood Albums!

This is better than NUKE deal !!

I got sick of hearing about the "nuke" deal, 24*7... So lets have some FUN!

Can you guess all these current bollywood stars, from old albums????


Pic1-------Most eligible bachelor in contemporary bollywood, hails from a famous bollywood family!


Pic2-------A very former Miss India (When I was so young, even to understand is meaning)


Pic3-------Sisters, elder made history in Bollywood, younger yet to bloom...



Pic4-------Another aristocratic sisters, elder , we all know, younger! Oh! what a change!



Pic5-------One of the famous bollywood families(the  brothers are always together!)



Pic6-------Daughter of famous stars, didnt make any BIG mark on her own, married and settled a self-made star.



Pic7-------I bet, u know the girl!



Pic8-------And the one, in yellow saree??



Pic9-------She is the same,(look at the way she looks!)



Pic10------Her smile, makes millions hearts stop!

Wednesday, 1 March 2006

Eve-Teasing? (from my neighbors)

Its been a while since, I experienced eve-teasing. Mainly cos, I no longer use public transport systems and never use “walking” as the main means of transport, since 2.5 yrs. But ironically, now I have become its “prey” ever since my walking-exercise-regime has started.Image I chose, secluded, local routes, away from main road, which consist of houses on both sides, which don’t have compound walls. This creates an awkward interpersonal stare between the people who will be strolling in and around their wall-less-compounds and me, who walks panting, thru the same.  Image


As they found me regularly, yesterday 2 different (inquisitive)ppl  from 2 houses, asked me, “who I am” (which I hated to answer!!!).Image I wanted to change the route today, but I was not very sure, where the other route,(which seems to be going much deeply into the compounds) would take me. Cos if I get lost, then I may have to give them my whole biodata, and even my purpose of walking (which I have to lie), to the inhabitants.Image(Villagers, are very very inquisitive(not like city-dwellers!). They think its their right to know, who u r and why u r there).Image


Now there was this bunch of guys(18-22 yrs) permanently seated around a secluded corner. They always commented on me something, whenever I passed…but yesterday when I passed, they were asking each other “Who is this, wet-chicken??”Image. (Ok, my short-hair, looks cow-licked, just after bath!!)


Now, I was in a situation, that:

1)     I was alone, and a stranger there.

2)     The time was 7 pm and there were no street-lights.

3)     The local guys are supposed to be known for their “gundaism”.

4)     I didn’t know the local routes well.

5)     Above all, my mom had strictly warned me against this, which I conveniently didn’t care to obey.Image


I am/was never this “sati-savitri” type. At least not like the women we see in hindi daily soaps. I never put this “thali”/”mangalyasutra” or kumkum, (visible features of a married woman). I only had this wedding ring (which nobody noticed).  Image


Now today, naturally, I didn’t want to invite more comments from them. So I decided to give a try by putting on “married-woman-act”. I put this kumkum on my forehead and “thali” and went. And today when I passed, the comment was “How come she got married, within one day,yaar?”----but only after a very long silence. (may be they didn’t expect, this “act”. )Image


Any way that was better, I suppose…cos today one of the guys addressed me “chechi” , which means, elder sister, in malayalam.

Tomorrow, may be , things can turn  little more better, I hope!


Note: This act seems to change only young eve-teasers. The middle-aged, “starers” doesn’t care…they are continuing with their “clothe-piercing-stare”!Image I think , noisy, young eve-teasers are more cultured than those “silent-starers”!Image


See  this   on “The Hindu” (India's national daily) abt the above phenomenon in my god’s-own-country.


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